“Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they.”

“Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they.”

Hmmm. It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Been busy with the holidays, but I’ve been consistent with BJJ. It’s still addicting, alluring, and fun. I’ve still been focused on “earning position”. For example, I’d purposely let my partner get top position on me and I have to earn my way out. Sometimes I’m there the whole round getting smashed and constantly defending Americanas and chokes. However, I’ve been slightly improving. I’m building better strength framing. I’m also beginning to see little openings that I need to capitalize.

Problem is…I think this is hurting my game. The other day I tried to be aggressive and get position early. I attempted a arm and lapel drag, but it was poorly executed and I ended up on my back. And my guard retention sucks!!! Therefore, I need to work on this aspect of my game. I need to delve into the dark side and be more aggressive.

In other news, I have a submission tournament coming up. I feel good about it, not because I’m cocky. It’s just my mental approach to it. If I win, great! If I lose, well I’m fine with that since my main focus on this competition is be more relaxed and strength conservation. Plus I like testing myself. I know you’re not supposed to compare but I do want to know if I’m progressing. This is a way of finding out. I can’t compare against my teammates since they are progressing too. They adjust with my game and many times I tap because I’m trying a new technique we were taught.

Aside from that, it’s a new year and I still look forward to rolling every night!

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